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GUN BARREL CITY–After numbers from the May 7 election forced a runoff race between candidates Linda Rankin and incumbent Mayor David Skains, Gun Barrel City voters re-elected Skains as their mayor June 28. 
In May, candidates Skains, Rankin and newcomer Zachary Kennedy ran for the mayor’s seat but with no candidate taking over 50 percent of the vote, it forced a runoff election. 
Early voting numbers totaled 109 votes for June 16 and 17 and 168 votes the week of June 20 through June 24. Election day numbers were 121 total votes. 

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Payne Springs hears development plans


PAYNE SPRINGS–Payne Springs City Council heard a June 21 presentation about development plans in the vicinity of the State Highway 198 intersection with County Road 2531 (Clear Creek Road).
Council learned that Logan Graff and Kelley Meeker are in partnership to build boat, RV, covered, self and open storage on the back portion of the 14-acre tract, with future plans to build retail space at the front two acres along the highway. Graff said that part could feature a gas station, car wash or a retail store.

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Former councilman, EDC board member and firefighter passes


GUN BARREL CITY–Longtime Gun Barrel City community member Ron Wyrick passed away June 26 but not before leaving his mark on the city. 
Wyrick was a former city council member, Economic Development Cooperation (EDC) Board Member and firefighter. Mayor David Skains stated, “He was a friend to all Gun Barrel City and will be terribly missed by everyone who ever worked with him. Without Ron a lot of things that been accomplished would have never happened.”