December 2022

Kerens ISD approves solar project tax deal


KERENS–Kerens ISD trustees voted Nov. 28 to approve a tax agreement under the Texas Economic Development Act for Elm Flats Solar, a proposed solar facility that is planned within the district near Powell.
Kenny Berry voted no on the agreement while Matt Lynch abstained. The state law allowing such agreements, also known as Chapter 313, limits the appraised property value for school district maintenance and operations (M&O) taxes.

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National Wreaths Across America day set for Dec. 17


MABANK–The National non-profit, Wreaths Across America (WAA) has joined with Sarah Maples Chapter, National Society Daughters of the Americal Revolution (NSDAR) to support the mission of WAA, Saturday, Dec. 17.  The mission is to remember the nation’s fallen, honor military service and teach others of their sacrifices for us to live freely, today. WAA started this simple gesture of thanks and it has grown to a national movement of dedicated volunteers and communities.

County approves Forest Grove Solar tax deal


HENDERSON COUNTY–Henderson County Commissioners’ Court voted Dec. 13 to enter into a tax abatement agreement with a company that plans to construct a solar electric facility between Athens and Eustace.
The agreement only affects county-related taxes, said County Judge Wade McKinney. The agreement between the county and Forest Grove Solar, LLC, deals with the solar facility that lies within the 7,200-acre Forest Grove Reinvestment Zone, which the court voted to create in August.