Mabank ISD

Mabank ISD Board of Trustees calls bond election


MABANK–Following the previous recommendation of the district’s Fall 2021 Facility Advisory Committee, the Mabank ISD Board of Trustees unanimously called a bond election for May 6. If approved, the three propositions totaling $119 million would fund a new early childhood center, a career and technical education facility at the high school and would provide upgrades to athletic facilities.

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Mabank ISD honors Board Trustees


Monitor Photo/Denise York
Mabank ISD Superintendent Brad Koskelin (left) and Mabank High School Principal Charity Groom (right) congratulate high school seniors Mia Patlan (continuing left) and Brandon Browning for receiving a full academic scholarship to Notre Dame University through the Quest Bridge Organization. Both seniors are heavily involved in extracurricular activities and clubs and have achieved academic excellence throughout their high school careers.

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Mabank ISD names Homecoming Court


Courtesy Photo
Mabank ISD is happy to announce the homecoming court nominees. Pictured in no particular order are Mia Bacy, Kelsey Beasley, Katie Preston, Savannah Wagner, Camaryn Williams, Rickey Blaylock, Cody Chapman, Carson Manning, Kolby Smith, Aiden Wilkinson, Hallie Anderson, Katy Brock, Presley Green, Brylee Miller and Brooklyn Taylor.