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Eustace to pay off First State Bank loan


EUSTACE–At the Feb. 2 meeting of the Eustace City Council, council members voted for an early pay-off on the total remaining balance of just over $96,000 on its loan with First State Bank. 
The loan originated in November 2015 with an original balance of $268,000 and was used for water and sewer improvements in the city. Having paid off $172,000 over the course of seven years, the council determined it was in the best interests of the city to pay the remaining debt in full.
In other business, council members:

Mabank ISD Board of Trustees calls bond election


MABANK–Following the previous recommendation of the district’s Fall 2021 Facility Advisory Committee, the Mabank ISD Board of Trustees unanimously called a bond election for May 6. If approved, the three propositions totaling $119 million would fund a new early childhood center, a career and technical education facility at the high school and would provide upgrades to athletic facilities.