Henderson County Commissioners Court

Eustace joins Child Crimes Task Force


HENDERSON COUNTY–Henderson County Commissioners’ Court voted Jan. 24 to approve interlocal agreements with the cities of Eustace and Chandler with the Henderson County Crimes Against Children Task Force.
Sheriff Botie Hillhouse told the court that each agreement lasts five years. Hillhouse remarked that he expects more entities to sign on to the task force in the future and estimated the current number of task force members, which includes Henderson County school districts and cities, to total eight or nine.

County urges continued caution while burning


HENDERSON COUNTY–Commissioners’ Court of Henderson County decided not to implement a county burn ban Oct. 18 but urged the public to continue exercising caution.
County Fire Marshal Shane Renberg told the court that the Keetch-Byram Drought Index for Henderson County dropped 38 points because of recent rains. As of Oct. 17, the county’s drought index average was 578, which he said was “right at that threshold of putting on a burn ban. I still think we’re in great shape.”

Henderson County holds off on burn ban


HENDERSON COUNTY–Commissioners’ Court of Henderson County discussed burn ban conditions Oct. 11 but decided not to implement an open-fire prohibition with chances of rain in the forecast.
County Fire Marshal Shane Renberg said some counties to the south of Henderson County have implemented a burn ban. He also said Henderson County averaged 587 on the Keetch-Byram Drought Index as of Oct. 10, technically exceeding the 575 threshold for considering a burn ban.

County continues additional animal shelter funding


HENDERSON COUNTY–Commissioners’ Court of Henderson County voted Sept. 27 to approve an agreement with the Humane Society of Cedar Creek Lake (HSCCL) for animal shelter services that continues additional county funding.
County Judge Wade McKinney said the court has discussed over the past several months the Humane Society and the services that are rendered through the Athens and Tool animal shelters. Last year, he continued, the court approved additional funding for the Humane Society through the end of fiscal year 2021.

Creation of Log Cabin-area ESD halted


HENDERSON COUNTY–A motion by Henderson County Precinct 4 Commissioner Mark Richardson to order a Nov. 8 election for the creation of Emergency Services District (ESD) 13 failed for the lack of a second before the Henderson County Commissioners’ Court Aug. 9.
The proposed ESD would have served the Log Cabin area. The court had voted July 12 to accept a petition to create the ESD and set Aug. 9 for a public hearing on the matter.