Mabank ISD

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Mabank holds Lady Panther Volleyball team camp


Courtesy Photo
Mabank High School holds a very successful volleyball team camp July 26. Panther volleyball thanks Coach Lyn Evans for coming and running camp. “Her knowledge of the game and experience was a great asset to our program. Our Panthers worked hard over the last three days, knocked some rust off and got better! We are proud of these ladies,” said program leaders. Tryouts began Monday and the girls play the first home game Aug. 8 against Palestine and Malakoff.

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Mabank ISD holds ‘Back to School Bash’


Monitor Photo/Denise York
The Mabank Choir and Panther Edition have a long legacy of superior performance and achievement thanks to Choir Director Catherine Lindsley (second from left). Pictured with her, giving information and encouragement are Molly McDowell (from left), Junior High Choir Director Mary Ann Mc Dowell, Michaela McDowell and Angelica Forrest.

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MISD family gathers to pray


MABANK–Members of the Mabank ISD community gathered Monday evening to unite in prayer for high school student Everett Nix who was injured in an accidental shooting.
Students, teachers and members of the community were present in an outpouring of love and support for the family and friends of the student. According to social media, the family remains optimistic for a complete recovery and asks for continued prayers.