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Eustace teaches future Bulldogs basics of football


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Eustace ISD holds football camp for incoming fourth through ninth graders June 12-14 at the school’s football field. Campers learned skills at all positions, plays that the high school runs, how to play 7 on 7, and how to compete in multiple drills. Eustace ISD says that it was a great week, the kids had a great time and the coaches were excited to have them. 

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Sutton named contender in National Open Championships


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Fifth-grader Anabel Sutton is representing Kemp Intermediate School at the Open Championship Bullseye competition in Myrtle Beach, S.C.June 8-10 after placing first in the bullseye competition at the Western National Championships last month. Kemp ISD states they are very proud of Sutton and her accomplishments.